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Anne's studio

15 mai 2020

How to wash and dry your handmade knits ~ Laver ses tricots fait-main

How to wash and dry your handmade knits ~ Laver ses tricots fait-main
You should not wash your handmade knits like industrial knits if you want to keep them for a long time. And you want it because you spent time there, thought long and put a certain price (wool and cotton are sometimes expensive ...). Then washing and...
6 mai 2020

Cotton Sweaters ~ les pulls en coton

Cotton Sweaters ~ les pulls en coton
Encore un pull en coton dans ma garde-robe... OK, je suis Bretonne et j'avoue il y a des jours d'été où l'on porte son pull du matin jusqu'au soir... Mais j'ai habité à Barcelone, et je sais que même en plein été, le matin c'est agréable d'avoir son petit...
16 avril 2020

Preparing Mother's Day

Preparing Mother's Day
In this very special time, I wanted to focus on people I love and I cannot see except on a screen. I've been missing my mother a lot, for all the advice and support and love (without saying it) that she gives. So I thought it was time to prepare Mother's...
5 avril 2020

White'n Gold summer look

White'n Gold summer look
I've liked right away the look of this cotton from the Spring 2017 collection of Katia yarns, the spanish brand. Unfortunately, it doesn't come anymore on their website but if you're lucky you can still find a few bowls on some retailer website or shops....
28 mars 2020

Time to destock

Time to destock
As stores close and it is safer to stay at home, it is time to destock and start those old projects that you’ve had in mind for years. I personnally have stock of yarns for so many projects that I could stay confine for almost a year ☺️. Obviously the...
5 mars 2020

Spring cotton

Spring cotton
Can you feel it? Despite the rain in the upper state of South Carolina, the temperatures are rising and the trees and spring flowers are blooming... It feels like spring yarns and cotton fabrics... I've opened my yarn closet to look for cotton and I've...
28 février 2020

Baby, it’s cold outside

Baby, it’s cold outside
This winter, I've had a great desire of infinite scarfs... I love to have my neck cozy and warm in these 2 hand-knitted scarfs. One is a camaieu of hazelnut colors with light and auburn browns. It's opened up to the middle so I can double it easily and...
15 novembre 2019

Cozy winter

Cozy winter
Oh Baby, it's cold outside! Let's get cozy with this warm and soft green jacket/cardigan. And it's as light as a cloud! Well done because this is the name of the yarn: Nuage from the French brand Phildar. I've loved knitting this yarn. It goes fast and...
18 octobre 2019

New country, new projects,...

New country, new projects,...
Now that I've moved to the USA (two months ago), I thought that I should write my posts in English. I already apologize for all the mistakes I'll make. After few weeks spent under papers and parcels, I discover all the advantages of being here... plenty...
4 avril 2019

Le gilet mohair et soie

Le gilet mohair et soie
Un gilet doux et chaud pour dire doucement au revoir à l'hiver et bonjour à un printemps encore frais. Il évoque les moments 'cocooning' des froides journées en attendant des jours plus chauds. Il est tricoté au point d'abeille en Mohair Luxe de chez...
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